***NOW HIRING*** We are looking for climber trainees and experienced climbers who want to learn the craft of tree climbing! Come learn from the best in the buisness! Qualifications include the following: drivers license experience in landscaping or tree work is a...

Now Hiring!

***NOW HIRING*** CLIMBER TRAINEES & CLIMBERS Shechtman Tree Care, LLC Abington, PA 215-776-8733 WWW.SHEKTREE.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/PHILLYTREES We’re looking for climber trainees and climbers who would like to join our team and practice the latest...

Cold weather tree care

Cold weather care for your trees and shrubs… Unlike deciduous plants, evergreens retain their leaves for multiple years. This means dry, ugly leaves can leave them disfigured for years to come. Protecting your broadleaf evergreens in winter is essential-...